Yes to talk I g about kids with anxiety post-Covid. My son still struggles with being in a crowd or surrounded by people at school.

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I enjoyed reading your open heart here. Hard pass: feeling inferior in public as a family. Happy yes: feeling loved & supported & welcomed as a family in a variety of spaces! All this came from our family trip to Disney World that opened me up after a year of turbulent postpartum & a newborn! Sending love!

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Ah lovely to hear your updates Nat. School refusal is so so tough. The break through for us was when I invited the head teacher to our home so she could see how overwhelmed L was... she seemed to completely soften then and better understand the environment of reset he needed... he’s only primary school but the pressure they sometimes inflict is a frenzy of unhelpful stuff and I tell him constantly it’s all made up and we love him. Hope February is gentle with you all. Sending love. ✨💖

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Yes to exploring what makes me freeze creatively! I really resonate with what you said about listening to all the biz advice and feeling like I'm getting things wrong. I personally got caught up in the whole "your business should solve a problem" thing, when all I wanted to do is create and follow my intuition. But I ignored that intuition and instead focused on the "practical." I ended up doing a lot of freelance work I didn't actually want to do, creating all the time for other people, and I only just started letting go of all that. It feels like a weight has been lifted.

I also wanted to quickly say--many years ago, I reached out to you after I had a bad breakup with an icky, terrible guy, and you were so helpful. I read your blogs and your work and listened to your podcast. A few months after that breakup, I met my now husband and we've been together almost 8 years now. We have a 14-month-old and another baby on the way. Thanks for all your work because it did truly help me find a healthy relationship, and it brought me so much comfort!

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Everyone has had a rough go of it during, and since, the pandemic began; however, this generation of kids will be affected for a long time to come. If there's any blame to be had, it's that... not you.

Congratulations on the years of self-employment. Big achievement that isn't to be taken lightly. You deserve it.

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Yeah, the business advice and best practices and unsolicited input from want to be well meaning know nothing at alls, lady…. Can we collectively tell them all to mind their own damn business! I received my book, thank you and @GG Renee Hill very kindly!

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