Oof! I felt this one in my bones. It’s been my year of low energy, too.

I’ve started thinking a lot about the superpower having low energy gives you, if you let it. When you have a finite amount of energy to spend on things, you start to really notice the effect people have on that energy. Who is taking it? Who is giving it? Whose company uplifts me? Who do I feel myself around? Ooohhhweeeee that’s a big one. I ended a major friendship because I noticed I was drained every time I saw her.

Sounds so obvious, but noticing helps me. Noticing how people make me feel. Noticing where emotions show up in my body. Noticing the way the light hits the leaves on the trees! Noticing when I’m hungry, what I actually feel like eating. Noticing tiny little improvements. Noticing stuff!!!! It’s the one xxx

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This resonated A LOT! Particularly "it's as if my tinnitus doesn't want me to do anything" - I feel that about my body all the time and it's so frustrating. Also, feeling that way then adds to the exhaustion because you just think "well, what's the point anyway!" and then you feel grumpy and lethargic.

The other point that resonated was the "justifying zone" - I think I might be deeply, deeply stuck in that at the moment. So I'm going to make some time and ask myself, what if I was just wrong? I think that's already unlocked something for me, so thank you! xxx

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This is really beautiful, Natalie. I appreciate your openness.

I wonder if low energy often results when we stop using stress to drive us? It's like our system primarily knows how to use stress as an energy source, and we then need to find more sustainable energy sources (such as feeling on purpose, etc.).

In terms of practical things, I really love earthing (putting your bare feet in the sand or on grass) as well as earthing/grounding mats (as created by Clint Ober).

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So much gold in here, Nat. I've marvelled at myself in the past who had so much more energy and then I remember that a) I didn't think there was an option to not have energy and so I made myself keep going to do all the things and make everyone happy, and b) in my 20s I only had a couple of decades of trying to do all the things and make every one happy but by the time I got to my late 30s and 40s I had been doing it for twice as long so no wonder I was knackered! Now at 48 I don't have the energy and I'm better (not brilliant but better) at being okay with that and honouring it to others.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Natalie Lue

One of the elements of restoring energy has to do with advice given by you!

Please know how relevant and useful your “no nonsense” yet gentle advice is to your readership?!

Big thank you!

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023Liked by Natalie Lue

I highly recommend a food diary, including everything that you ingest, such as your meds and vitamins in addition to food and drink.

I was sick for years before I finally diagnosed myself with a sulfite sensitivity. Recently, I discovered my months of feeling ill are due to eating beef and pork. I hadn't done a food diary and chocked it up to lingering Covid symptoms. Very low energy was one of my symptoms. All good now that I've cut out all mammalian meat from my diet!

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Natalie Lue

This is an absolutely brilliant and beautiful post, with so many useful questions to ask ourselves!! Thank you again, Natalie!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Like many people, I have an ideal version of myself in my head who never gets tired, and I feel frustrated with myself when I find I don’t have the energy to do all the things I planned/committed/wanted to do and have to cancel some things (or I get sick and run down pushing ahead trying to do it all, and then I am FORCED to slow down, and probably end up getting less done than I would have if I had paced myself more gently in the first place!! 😄)

Also when it comes to creativity, I’ve realised some of my best ideas pop into my mind when I stop to breathe and chill out!! 😄

Plus I could relate to what you said about having less physical energy in your 40s as I’m starting to notice that about myself too and am learning what my new limits are. ❤️

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Natalie Lue

I am also perimenopausal and suffer from constant tinnitus… It is no joke! Sending you a big virtual hug!

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Dec 12, 2023Liked by Natalie Lue

Thanks a million, Nat, this is an amazing post! ✨

I've been feeling very low energy lately: pregnancy, house with a lot of tidying to be done, lots of laundry to do, part time teaching job. Eating well and staying hydrated is a little difficult because of the nausea. I really feel like chilling out in the mornings while kids are at school/daycare, but at the same time I think: So how and when will things get done, then?? Now is the moment to get them done! Afternoons aren't that easy. And I just can't find the moment to do what I like, but also, feel crappy about procrastinating, feel that "how can I slow down if I'm already too slow, so behind on household chores", and really don't feel like doing anything, and have very little interest in my job. Need to get a lot more organised, but really feel like breathing and slowing down.


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HARD relate, to everything aside from the tinnitus (that does not sound fun!). My head and heart are in a deep place of conflict right now. It is absolutely my reason for low energy. I am reading "wintering" right now. Have you read it? It is such an exquisite look at how life unfolds in seasons and the need for rest and "wintering" in times of grief or loss.

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Natalie Lue

Lots of this resonates with me so sending care, I hope you feel able to take a read of my piece on burnout and the role of the collective as would love to know what you think. https://open.substack.com/pub/classgrief/p/burnout-the-blame-game

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Natalie Lue

Check out the symptoms for Alpha Gal allergy. I had all of the symptoms except the severe ones. I tested negative for the antibodies, but there are other meat protein allergies too.

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My Psychiatrist just put me on ADHD meds and I feel like a new person!

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As always, you manage to write so clearly and in such effective terms about what it is just to be. Always full of nuggets of wisdom too, that set me thinking and looking to put into practice. Thanks for the sharing, in such a straightforward way, what's going on for you right now.

How ironic that I started reading this, then couldn't finish it because I got a humdinger of a Covid infection, that led me to wonder if I was heading back down a burnout / chronic fatigue rabbit hole. After a year when I have been way kinder to myself than ever before, it just goes to show how certain stages in life take so much out of you that being kind and patient with your body and your mind can be a basic necessity. It's taken me until today to get back to finishing your article.

It's those little low level background alerts, like tinnitus or the 'mini' energy crashes that we all experience, that it's good to pay attention to before they become overwhelming.

Glad to be learning these things from you and with you, so much resonance here.

Thank you :-)

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